Baldur's Gate II: The Collection includes two of the best RPG games, and its a must buy if you don't have the two games.
The gameplay in Baldur's Gate II: The Collection is the same as the original versions of the two games. There has been some bugs that have been fixed in this collection.
The graphics in Baldur's Gate II: The Collection is exactly the same as in the games that came out in 2000, and 2001 respectively. This is a problem because the graphics in the two games were not that great back then, and they don't look any better in 2003. It would be more profitable if they reinvented the graphics for this version of the games. Thankfully you will learn to ignore the half decent graphics.
The sound in the game still has the same level of quality as in the original versions of the game. Most of the background music, sound effects, and voice acting is taken straight from the previous versions, which is great because they were one of the best qualities of the older versions.
The value of this game is amazing, and will last you many hours. The addition of the new class is a good feature as it may promote the most hardcore fan of the original to buy this; but this games main audience is for people who have never played the first versions of the games as the lower price will be a main incentive. The plot of the game is the same with the same epic feeling.
In the end, if you have never experienced Shadows of Amn or it's expansion then this is a must buy because they are some of the best games you will ever play. The addition of the new class, and low price might make some gamers who have played the previous games buy this game just to experience some great role-playing.