Not really what the fans expect, but a good game nonetheless.
The graphics are good, not great. There are some slow-downs at times and some loading screens. I do not particularly like the way Banjo moves, but the level design and environment are nice. Banjo's fur animates well. The loading screens are brief when the game is downloaded to the console.
Gameplay-wise, there is a lot to do in Nuts & Bolts. There is the average "collect the music notes and jiggies-a-thon." The player also gets the opportunity to create his/her own, sea, or air based vehicles from top to bottom. There are also platforming sections that entertain. Each NPC in the worlds have different quests for Banjo & Kazooie to complete ranging from racing to taxi and many others.
I really enjoyed the was a throwback to the classics on the Nintendo 64. All of the music was catchy. The sound effects were about the same as the N64. The music changes with the atmosphere (which I always found to be a nice detail. Each song fits the areas well.
Even though this is not quite the Banjo fans were expecting or looking for, it does not disappoint...too much. It is a fresh take on the series. It's available in DVD format or on Xbox Live on Demand service.