A hilarious mixture of classic Banjo Kazooie and fun build your own vehicle gameplay. This game is perfect for all ages
And it is. I love letting my imagination run free with this game. I loved being able to create almost anything! From planes, boats, submarines, cars, tanks, monster trucks helicopters, and much much more. You can buy blue prints to give you a good outline of a vehicle, and buy parts to add. There are many funny and neat weapons like an egg shooter and a laser beam ( my favorite). I don't wanna say the possibilities are endless, but it definetly feels that way.
Another great thing about this game is the worlds. There are 6 to unlock and explore besides the starting town, Showdown Town. Everyone of them is HUGE and are completely different from one another. There are also hundreds of missions and challehges to complete, ranging from races fights, carrier missions, collecting and more.
Everytime I pick this game up to play I wonder why it was so cheap on release day. I guess I'll never know. I don't care, it will always be one of my 360 games. I play it more than the games I did pay $60 for.
It's a great bargain!