A great innovative experience, Rare proves that they still can add that classic charm to new ideas.

User Rating: 9 | Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts X360
I have spent the past few weeks playing this game to become immersed fully into the experience of the game, and have everything good and bad from the game, so for this game I wil split it up into several categories in order to show everybody all that is good and bad about it.
aa1aa: controls
aa2aa: vehicle creation
aa3aa: graphics
aa4aa: difficulty
aa5aa: story mode
aa6aa: multiplayer
aa7aa: challenges
aa8aa: characters/ levels
aa9aa: anything else
aa10aa: the sum up of it all (for the lazy folk out there.)

aa1aa: controls
The controls in Nuts and Bolts is pretty good, banjo controls very smoothly, and you get used to the controls very quickly and it all just feels natural. I do have several complaints however about the controls. ne is that the land vehicles control terribly, once you get vehicles that go in water or fly you will find yourself relyign on them to simply avoid the bad and slippery controls of land vehicles. However, the planes and boats control so good that they make up for the land vehicles.
So in overall I give the controls an : 8.5/10

aa2aa: vehicle creation
The vehicle creator is very great and smooth, I personally find it an enjoyable experience, and use it as much as I explore or play challenges. There are many diferent parts. (I believe Rare said that there was over 10000, and trust me they are right!) I am almost 100% completed with the game and I still find new parts to improve and "pimp out" my vehicle as much as possible. I do have three SMALL complaints about the vehicles are as follows. One is that there are onjot enough colors! The color selection is terrible, plus the few colors there are all blend together, reed and brown look the same, peach and silver look the same, green aqua and blue look very similar, etc. The second one is that the game starts you out with hardly anything at all. You just get hardly enough parts to get you car going. The third one is that sometimes the test track drops you in weird places. For instance, I made a pirate ship and it kept dropping me down on the plane planding pad. BUt I fixed this by maknig my pirate ship fly!!!!
So I give the vehicle creator a: 9.5/0

aa3aa: graphics
The graphics in Nuts and BOlts are amazing, nuf said. I explored every single level of this world and looked into every niche and have not yet discovered any single detail in the game that is blurry at all or even not realistic, this game whil keeping its cartoony feel manages to make everything look as though it could exist in this world today. I really do not have any thing else to say about this game other than this. I guess that I was especially impressed with the skies in Nutty Acre, this may sound lame but just fly up there and you will see what I mean.
I give graphics a: perfect 10/10!

aa4aa: difficulty
DIfficulty on this game is basically like a roller coaster ride. The difficulty is actually almost random at times. For instance, the hardest challenge that I have faced in the game is in Nutty Acres where I had to race Piddles, they gave her all of these guns that you cant get for another like 20 jiggies into the game so you are basically just riding in a useless piece of junk and trying to keep up with her weapons. ANd then later in the game I had to race in the Jiggoseum, and I used the same junker vehicle and i kicked butt. IT makes no sense. I guess what makes me complain about the difficulty is that it was advertised so heavily on being child friendly, and wlel I am the most hardcore gamer in my school and i sometimes have quiete a bit of difficulty in it.
SO I guess I give the dificulty in it a: 7/10.

aa5aa: story mode
The game has a fantastic story. I will try and keep this section not too long as to avoid spoilers, but basically it follows the same formula, grunty raises from the dead, banjo fights her etc. However, it has a nice twist, as banjo (morbidly obese) and grunty (just a head) are about to have an all out brawl, the " Lord of Games" (known as LOG) Pauses it because of how lame it is, he then makes banjo lose weight and gives grunty a robot body and sends them to showdown town, to add another twist he removes gruntys magic and kazooies moves and makes them use vehicles to add to the "fun" of it.
So, I give story a : 9/10

aa6aa: multiplayer
I personally like the multiplayer a lot, it was this section that held me off from making this review. (I had to go to my cousins house in order to play 2 player as my live is down.)
it is good, a little shallow but good. I really like the blueprint system where you trade with friends, but other than that it basically baguely reminds me of mario kart wii. I have nothing els to say about this so...

aa7aa: challenges
The challenges are okay, a lot of them are just essentially racing, which is not bad but it is not what I was promised. There are still a lot of challenges that are creative however, so those make up for all of the racing. My personal favorite challengwe was this one where you had to race Mr. Fit and Trophy Thomas in a race in the waters of nuty acres, there is no tight turns really so it leaves a lot of room to experiment. (this was the only challenge that I succesfully was able to use my beastly pirate ship.) SOme challenges are a little unforgiving though.
SO I give challenges an 8/10.

aa8aa: characters/ levels
The levels are really creativly thought up and made. The beacon of it all is the hub world Showdown Town, this hub is HUGE! It is literally miles and miles in length, you can explore here for hundreds of hours and still find new stuff. In all honesty showdown town is probably the best part of the game.THe regular levels are very good also, My favrite of those is definetly Nuty Acres, I am not a fan of the Jiggoseum though, it seems very small and just basically put together at the last minute. The other thing is that it seems like Log Box 720 and Terrarium of tTerror are almost the same. ALso the characters are extremely witty and have great personalities.
So levels: 9/10.

aa9aa: anything else
only thing is that sometimes frame rate drops, No need for a rating.

aa10aa: the sum up of it all
controls an : 8.5/10
vehicle creator a: 9.5/10
graphics a: perfect 10/10!
dificulty in it a: 7/10.
story a : 9/10
multiplayer: 8.5/10
challenges: 8/10
levels/characters: 9/10.
My Average:a 9/10.
I may edit it later, but as of now I am fine wtih this.