A great game to play, but is it a good follow up of the Banjo-Kazooie franchise?
I love the way you build contraptions to complete tasks, but the fun truly begins when you design an even BETTER way to complete that task! This is how it works, you start your game in a gaming "hub" called showdown town. In this town you will find Mumbo's motors (where you can build vehicles with parts you collected) Mumba's store (where you can buy blue-prints and parts to create vehicles with) notes to buy parts and blue-prints with, and various crates scattered around town. These crates contain several parts in each and there are 75 in total. Bringing one of these crates back to Mumbo's motors will unlock the crate, allowing you to use the parts contained. While obtaining these parts, you will be able to use them in your various contraptions.
The reason you build these contraptions is to complete the various tasks spread around the various worlds that break off from showdown town. The main objective in the game is to collect jiggies in order to go to the next world, and eventually save your beloved home, spiral mountain from the dastardly witch Gruntilda (now a mere head in a jar thanks to previous games).
Every time you beat a challenge the time or way that you beat it will result in 3 types of rewards. When you complete a challenge to the lowest you can you will receive a prize of notes, do a good enough job and you will win a jiggy, and doing a superb job gives you a T.T. trophy. When you collect 4 T.T. trophies, you can go back to a cheetah named T.T. (go figure) and he will give you an extra jiggy. When you collect enough jiggies, you will unlock more worlds and eventually boss battles with Gruntilda.
Despite the many, many great and wonderful game play elements, It has dropped everything that made the original games fun to begin with, the platforming. It was oodles of fun to jump around using Kazooie's powers to collect jiggies, but as they said in the game... "How are we supposed to beat Gruntilda if you took my powers away?" "Simple, you'll use this little bird here..." "A wrench? What can we possibly do with this?"
Graphics: 8
Game play: 9.5
level design: 8.5
characters: 9
Overall: 9
Overall A great game, be sure to pick this up when you can!