banjo kazooie nuts and bolts all the fun the secrets and hidden suprises in this revolutionary historic game is the best

User Rating: 10 | Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts X360
This game is the 3rd in a long line of fun whether your the action type or fast and the furious this game is the game for you. The plot in this game is a simple one but will give lots of fun you see gruntilda the witch has finally made it back from a cauldron keep and wants to turn spiral mountain into a strip mall so before these two are at it again log shows up and teleports them to showdown town where they compete in jiggy chalenges to see who will get the deed to spiral mountain. this game gives you hours of fun vehicle making anyhing you want stop n swap is also in this game and can give you exclusive parts but only if you have the banjo kazooie xbla version where you find many colorful eggs and long hours to get this but dont worry you dont have to but if you do its 1200 points. this game was worth the wait and will tie up some loose ends in the banjo series a must buy. for me its a 10/10 but gamespot gives it an 8.5