Very good, Very good.
The graphics are just the same, no surprises, still good but nothing to wow you.
The gameplay is also the same, except instead of putting puzzle peices into puzzles frames hidden around the over world, you simply go to the same place everytime to play a Mini game to unlock levels, taking out a good amount of challenge. Aside from the level unlocking, you also get many more moves, and even a four-player mini game mode, which add to the over all fun.
The Graphics? also the same.
The sound? SAME! Except now Banjo sounds alot less femenine, a nice touch.
However the game is still lengthy and fun, it keeps you entertained, all the puzzles (the ones in the levels :P) are pretty good and completing the game is also a rather daunting task.
Basically, Its the same old Banjo, a few new moves, upgrades and things, but still an incredible game that you need if you have or have beeten Banjo Kazooie.