If you like them horse furries then you'll love this game.
Graphics: Old school retro funkay, yo.
Music: Best I've ever heard. I've made a remix if you want to listen to it. Catch me on Youtube: Koolkat525. Anyways, I'm very raged. I cound'nt reivew Rage yet so I'lll find another great game, until next time. Bye.
Overall: The game is near perfect. Most people think it's overated, but it's underated. The only game that beats it is Sheep. Thanks for reading my reivew and I hope to make morefor you guys in the future. Thanks, Andre Zerkseez out. Buh bye.
Not enough characters, just got to say some stuff. My day is going fine. This sheep costume fits me fine. Dayyyum, my mom thinks I'm hawt in it.