Easy as pie, and very very short.

User Rating: 3.5 | Barbie: Super Model SNES
Why am I reviewing this you may ask? Because I am insane, and a completist, haha oh well. Anyway Barbie Super Model is a platform game I guess, released in 1993. The plot is very simple and might as well be non-existent. You travel across each level to learn the moves to use on the catwalk at the end of the level. Simple as that.

The graphics are pretty average, you can tell that youre controlling Barbie, or some blonde creature at least, and the enemies look like humans or animals or whatever it is you're trying to avoid. The levels themselves are alright too, you can tell you're driving down a street, or walking along a snowy path, but they are not exactly state-of-the-art. Don't know what else to say about it.

The sound is quite non-existent. There are various bleeps as you pick up bonuses or do something good. There's a tune that plays for each level that is pretty unmemorable.

The gameplay is pretty simple. Each level follows the same system. You start on the left and work slowly to the right, automatically. You can slow down or speed up, in order to avoid whatever is in your way, whether it be cars, animals, snowballs, etc. Once you get the the end on the right it shows you the moves to remember for the catwalk event at the end of the level. This involves pressing a direction, then one of the A, B, X or Y buttons in a certain order. You then work your way back through the level to the left to the start where you go onto the catwalk and must repeat the combination of moves learned earlier. There are 4 levels, a street, a beach, a snowy one, and another I can't quite remember. along the way there are bonus stars to pick up for points, and 2 mini games. One where you need to match Barbie's clothing, and the other where you need to match her make-up and hair style etc. This is all very easy and extremely boring.

Lastability-wise, like I just said, the game is very easy and probably won't last you more than half an hour. Simple as that.

Graphics: Passable characters and backgrounds
Sound: Boring and almost non-existent.
Gameplay: Simple back and forth memorising things and avoiding enemies.
Lastability: Very short and very easy, 30 mins max.