Barrow hill is a typical first person adventure game, with a bit of a twist. Short, and yet satisfying.
The opening sequence doesn’t supply the player a lot of backround story or even a lot of clues about “what the hell are you suppose to be doing”. Altough the story does get a bit more sensable and clear as the game goes on, you can still find yourself running around the (very limited) map, trying to figure out your next step.
The graphics in the game are mediocre at best. The few people you encounter are in real life footage, and the surroundings are static. You wont find yourself staring in awe. You probably wont even pay any special attention to the graphics.
Following the grphics is the sound, which is much worse. The characters are annoying, there is hardly any backround music (apart from a few moments, the game is almost completely silent).
Where the game shines is the story and gameplay. At first it doesn’t seem to be much of a story, but as you go along the story unfolds (using the usual “read these papers, they are very important” routine) you discover a very unique and interesting story.
The gameplay is pretty much the same as every first-person adventure game. You use the mouse to interact with the world, pick up objects (randomly), and to use your cell-phone.
For conclusion, if you’re looking for a fun and short game, with a unique story, this game is for you. For those who care for good graphics and a faster paced game, move along, you’ll just be disappointed and annoyed.