A wonderfully fun and fast new battle system. But the rest of the game is a mixed bag..

User Rating: 8.3 | Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean GC
The many screenshots I viewed and reviews that I lightly skimmed through couldn't possibly prepare me what this game actually is. It's a giant mix (well maybe not giant.. but pretty big anyway ^^) of various rpgs we've seen before. You'll be traversing islands (Skies of Arcadia..) But they actually LOOK like islands most of the time, with a colorful and natural flair (Chrono Cross). That's not the only thing that is similar to Chrono Cross. I'm aware that ex-Square employees were on the team making Baten Kaitos, and it really shows because there are many things similar between the two games. Many of the battle maps, world map, villages look like an evolved, cleaner version of those from Cross. The backgrounds are very detailed and often beautiful. But the character models are seen from a bird's eye view and you just can't make them out. Thankfully there is some weird character art that sort of makes up for this (weird character art- another thing in common with Cross) The music is beautiful. Many memorable and solid piano tracks that are mostly pleasant. Another thing that really reminded me of Cross, though the composers are different. Motoi Sakuraba is behind this one. While Chrono Cross had.. what.. 40 characters to collect for your journey? There are just seven in Baten Kaitos.
While they are diverse, they recieve too little character development and my feelings mixed between liking them and finding them a bore. The storyline tries to be of a grand scale, and managed to bring the characters to life now and then. But the arduous journey, conflicts, plot twists, and eventual goal of saving the world borrows heavily from just about every single dramatic RPG out there. Making for diverse events that you've already seen before- there are a few unique moments, but they pale in comparison to the cliches. Anyway, the story is pretty weak.. another thing in commmon with Cross, only I don't think the story is as nonexisistent as it was in Cross.

It doesn't sound so good so far does it? A game lacking originality in so many areas would completely stop some gamers from even giving it a chance. But Baten Kaitos does have a major thing going for it.

The battle system is something we rarely see, and it is incredibly fun and fast-paced. Along your journey you'll collect "Magnus" they are cards that summon something to life. These cards serve the purpose that weapons, armor, magic, and healing items do in other RPGs. You'll collect hundreds of them, there is even a list (predictably named "The Gathering" ^^;) for those completists that wish to find every single card out there. There are over 1000 in all. Cards can change over time- some for good and some for bad. Fruit can rot and become a weapon to poison enemies, for example. In battle you have three characters. Each character can use five cards per turn.. in a deck of twenty cards that you have "equipped". This will rise all the way up to a crazy nine total cards by the end of the game, with a deck of 60. Turns are fast-paced and require quick-thinking as you try to link up the right cards to procure bonuses and use the right elemental attacks
against the right enemies. Each card has a number and trying to make pairs or straights or full houses will significantly raise the damage dealt to the enemy. The battle system is very fun and has alot of potential.. but it's also quite easy. Maybe too easy for those who aren't novices. I can only recall two bosses that actually managed to get me K.O.'d. It's not as simple as Chrono Cross, but it's pretty close. The game might be easy, but the systems involved in it are deep enough to be satisfying.

The dungeons are just like those in Cross. They are quick, not repetitious, and there are no random battles- you can usually avoid enemies with ease. There are rarely any puzzles, but there is the occasional very unique and interesting battle field (For instance, a short shooting game implemented into one area, a crazy 2D arcade-style timed battle field in another, trying to navigate aimlessly through the view of a bunch of awkward mirrors, and one first person dungeon that brings back memories of Phantasy Star.) That might sound like alot, but they are fairly short and the bulk of battle fields are.. like those in Chrono Cross.

There are a few extensive side quests. Well, mostly fetch-it quests that will take you all around the world looking for stuff. These quests are essential to collecting the best and most obscure magnus. There are also key items you can store in blank magnus that NPCs around the world may ask for, and you'll be rewarded for finding these items for them. These can also change over time. Overall the extra endeavors could net you an additional 20+ hours if you seek to complete them all. Unfortunately, there is no New Game+. This game could benefit from one, as it is hard to complete the gathering the first time through (as there are several magnus you only have one chance of getting.) Overall the longevity of the game is very good, I
finished the game at 65 hours completing most of the side quests. There are also character quests near the end of the game that you can complete, while these are optional they are pretty much required if you're
looking to be prepared for the final boss.

The pacing is a fairly linear Dungeon/Boss/Town/Cut-Scene/Repeat. But the side quests add a little bit more running around.

In the end even with the lack of originality and weak story, the battle system is just so much fun. While the pace of the game is also something you've seen before, it didn't really get old for me and progressing was enjoyable. It is fun to play, and that's pretty much all it needs to make the flaws tolerable
for me.