Holy Cow! What story and graphics!

User Rating: 9 | Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean GC
What can be said about this game save for "WOW!" From the very begining, this game draws you in with wonderous graphics and a mystery. I took one look at the previews and said " I have to have this game!" The fact that you are a character with a mysterious past is something of an rpg standard nowadays but Baten Kaitos goes way above and beyond simple stereotypical role playing by having the story closely relate to your past in ways so amazing one might think that they were concieved in the mind of God himself. The graphics are almost unparalleled on the Game Cube. The detail of each and every texture has been thought of and I'm sure if it were possible, you'd be able to smell the game as well. The scenery is so enveloping that you can get lost just looking at the overworld map. There is no possible way i see another game surpassing this game in terms of sheer graphic prowess. Monolith and Tri-Crescendo have totaly outdone themselves this time. While playing the game be sure to pick up the Monolith and Tri-Crescendo pens to pay tribute to the companies that made this wonderful game possible.