yet another unerrated game....
graphics/10-these are some of the best graphics since the original BK and final fantasy. you will be left in awe.
gamesplay/9-similiar to the one in the orriginal BK except that this time your deck is like an endless card reel meaning when you use a card it goes to the bottom of the deck instead of a discard never have to waste a turn shuffling.the cards are different from the original's. instead of having lots of elemental weapons you simply have weak,medium, and strong attack cards.but what about weapon cards? there here but different this time. when you use a weapon card, you equip it for example if sagi uses a fire weapon, he equips it and his longass blades gets a red aura showing it. andyourattack cards take on the element of the weapon. unfortunately your weapon only lasts a few attacks. same goes for armor cards(when your on the defensive). this is good since in the original your weapons and armors elements defeated each other resulting in little damage and defence. BTW, chronos(time element) has been replaced with thunder one of my favorite elements. but what about special attacks? first off, thelevels go up to four this time and non elemental special attacks take the element of whatever weapon you equip. theres something called mgnus power which you use to initiate your sp.attacks and you dont have to use an ttack card before a sp. got some mp? unload a sp. attack as your first card
story/10- beutiful...lots of plot twists...youll end up loving the characters especialy sagi and milly at the end
sound/10-awesome...and original
value/9-your gonna be playing this for a while.
overall/9.5-if you liked the original BK or just like rpgs, especially those with happy endings, then you....