Developers take note: This is how Superhero games should be made.
I have to admit, I haven't come close to beating the game, but I'm already satisfied with the game and know it will only get better. The Szasz "fight" was pretty lame, but it was made up with Scarecrow's mini level and an epic fight with Bane. I know people are upset that certain villains didn't make it into the game, but there's so much more to the game then the boss fights. The Riddler's random trophies and puzzles allow you to think and give you a reason to explore the extremely detailed levels.
I wouldn't go as far as to say the game is perfect like many others. The villains are intimidating and I love how villains who aren't in the game are mentioned or are somehow involved, I found myself wishing Two-Face and Mr. Freeze were in the game (Perhaps a sequel). Also, I keep finding myself wanting to blow through certain parts of the game, and it's made possible by entering "detective mode." You can find hints very easily this way, and ultimately you know what to look for without trying. I also wish the game was somehow multiplayer, or had better online play to interact with other players, but with the game being what it is, I understand why it isn't.
All in all, the game is great. I was skeptical during it's developments and didn't pre-order it because I wanted to read some reviews, but am glad it got such good reviews and got it on launch day. If you're on the fence about the game, take the plunge, it's worth it. You'll be blown away.