The Joker takes control of Arkham Asylum and Batman is the prisoner trying to break free in this great comic book game
User Rating: 9.5 | Batman: Arkham Asylum X360
When I first started Batman: Arkham Asylum, I was surprised by how good this game is. Not only it is one of the best games of 2009 yet but the best comic book game in gaming history. The story is very simple. You are on a routine stop to drop off the Joker, who was caught in the streets of Gotham, at Arkham Asylum. Too bad that Mr. Wayne did not see that the Joker was caught without a fight and takes control of the asylum. Batman tries to stop him but is then surrounded by locked doors and hundreds of pissed off criminal loose in the asylum. The story is good. It is very simple and gives an excellent look into the mind of the Joker. The combat is simple and fun. Its basically you smashing peoples heads into pulp but Batman can also grip to gargoyles which are up near the ceiling of rooms for which he can see the whole room and how many guards there are. This is where you can do some stealth moves like hanging them from the gargoyles or just gliding in the air and then kicking them in the face. You have to be quick to knock them out because most of the criminals are carrying weapons and too many shots leads to a death. You can also use gadgets to knock your enemies unconscious as well. The sound is tremendous. You have the legendary Mark Hamill voice acting the Joker and the rest of the actors from the animated series so it is pretty cool to hear their voices again. The graphics are great. The asylum is in one word: perfect. The place looks like hell, looks creepy and feels like a mental institution. Batman's costume also takes damage throughout the game so he looks beaten up at the end of the game. Note: This is more of a dark tale as they use foul language and hostile scenes that go from electrifying them to death or holding a gun to the character's head so this isn't for the little kids (under 9 years of age in my opinion).
OVERALL: Batman: Arkham Asylum is a masterpiece in the sense of comic book games. This is one of the best games of 2009. There are some problems but mainly with the character looks (the guards) and poor lip-sinking. This game is a great way to know more about the comic book if you haven't been following the series of TV. But Batman sours through the night and gives us a tremendous game that anyone who has a console or PC should get their hands on.