This has raised the bar for comic book based games.

User Rating: 9.5 | Batman: Arkham Asylum PS3

You really don't have to be a batman fan to love this masterpiece of a game, but it does help i have watched all the films (although this won't help much with the game because it doesn't even touch the movies) and the whole animated series the bonus content that you get from doing the hidden riddles are for the fans of the comics and the animated series because it has bios of the characters that are in the game and not, finding these are fun and mind bending at times. But really well done at the same time all 200+ of them.

The voice acting is sold across the board and the set peaces you come across the game are just fantastic, there is one where the game plays the intro again but there are a few things that are diffrent but it fits into the game perfectly you can't help but get pulled into the whole game the way it drags you in and makes it feel real is just amazing such as scripted damage to the bat, through out the game his suit gets torn, dirty and bloody. Each area has it's own feel it doesn't feel copy and pasted like alot of games there are other things that draw you in but i don't want to give too much away.

Combat on the normal setting combat is just about right, it's easy and fun but on the hard setting it's alot more difficult but when you do manage to get the hang of it, it's even more satisfying than the normal setting, combat is easy, smooth and well animated it feels brutal and the action camera that you can actervate from time to time by pressing R2 is really really well done, sometimes it happens on it's own so you get the best angle on the smack down.

The stealth based sections are the star attraction here, all the diffrent take downs you can do silent, corner, ledge, inverted and the gadget based take downs just give you soooo much choice on what to do and when to do it, as you pick off the guards one by one the heart rate rises making them act diffrent when they get terrified is the best again i'm not going to spoil too much.

Challenge rooms are just amazingly done, they get really addictive too just trying to do better all the time, the only let down i see is the joker added content, i can't really get mad about it because it's free and makes a nice change BUT unlike batmans stealth challenges there are no medals just a "time trail" that's okay but i was expecting to get the same medal system as the rest.

So over all i would recommend to anyone who owns a next gen console and can run it on a PC because this game will not disappoint.

See you at the "party"
