Everything about this game was done right. Once you figure out how to chain your strikes the fight sequences feel totally satisfying. Challenge Mode and leaderboards are a blast after the lengthy campaign mode. I Spent 5 hrs after I beat the game collecting all 240 riddler trophies. I could have rented and beat it but I'm glad i have it in my collection for good. A good variety of missions make you never feel like you are doing the same thing over and over again like some games. I found myself refusing to put it down. Unlocking upgrades Trophies as well as challenge maps really add to the replay value. I would recommend this game to not only batman fans but action game fans as well. Mark Hamill does a great job playing the joker! The graphics are great however you will find yourself playing in detective mode for the most part which is a bit like "Predator" view with the blue background but it lets you see enemies through walls as well as tell if they are armed with a rifle. Bottom line I dont think anyone can go wrong with this game. I am really pleased with the effort put into what could have been just licensed piece of garbage. Thanks to the developers. Part two maybe in Gotham city? I guess time will tell.
I didn't play the demo for this game before buying it but I did follow it a bit during development. I must say I don't regret the purchases one bit, picked it up during the midnight sale last night. I was fairly impr... Read Full Review
Wow. That's all I could say when I saw the intro to this game. From story to graphics, I was pulled in immediately. You know the Joker has something up his sleeve as he's being carted to his cell, but you don't know how ... Read Full Review