"The Dark Knight" of videogames

User Rating: 9.5 | Batman: Arkham Asylum PS3
With a few exceptions, superhero videogames are right down there with movie videogames as the lamest genres to play. Batman: Arkham Asylum shatters that stigma and then some. The top-notch graphics and gameplay are one thing, but what really catches your attention first is how intuitive the controls are. You can control Batman like a pro in no time. That is thanks to a deceptively simple system that does a lot of the work for you. You don't have to worry much about jumping platforms since Batman would do that for you if you run towards one. If you fall, you can easily escape. The fighting system requires a lot of button smashing, but you won't get far by simply pressing one button. The stealth mode, in my opinion, is the best ever developed for a game. This game can teach Hideo Kojima a lesson or two on how to make a stealth game that anyone can dig into.
The concept of having Batman, a character we all know too well, in this environment full of villains and places to explore is a stroke of genius. The developers designed the game taking advantage of Batman's strengths. Batman has cool toys. Batman is a great detective. Batman is a kick-ass brawler. Batman is a silent predator. If you are good at these, you won't need a guide to go through the game.
There's a smooth learning curve as the stakes get higher. The replay value is high. There are a lot of secrets to unlock and a difficult yet, addictive challenge mode. The only thing missing from giving this game a perfect score is maybe a multiplayer co-op or versus mode. I've rarely seen a game that respects the original source so much. Both gamers and comic book fans are going to have a blast playing this game.