As far a comic book games go! this is SUPER!

User Rating: 10 | Batman: Arkham Asylum PS3
From the first time I played the demo on the PSN, I was hooked. From the dark gritty level design to the costume and character design, this game is beautiful to look at and a dream to play.

Being a big Batman fan I was sceptical of how good this game could actually be and almost expected to be let down at some point. Thankfully I was mistaken and the game goes from strength to strength through the whole main story mode. The cut scenes throughout the game serve well to break up the hectic action and puzzle solving and also help to build the story whilst applying some humour with the Jokers many witty lines and jibes. As previously stated the level design is brilliant with some genuinely freaky areas thanks to the Scarecrow (the morgue area was freaky as hell).

The combat system in this game is a new style called free-flow which enables you to string together Massive stylish combos taking out masses of bad guys in one go. I found this to be highly satisfying and pretty darn cool.

Batman is well know for his awesome gadgets and tools and this game has plenty to play with, from the trusty batarang to explosive gel, all are fun to use also add to the authenticity and overall greatness of this game.

After you have completed the story mode you are presented with the challenge modes which I honestly found more entertaining. The invisible predator modes offer a map which you must guide Batman as stealthily as possible round the map removing numerous henchmen all the while being goaded by the Joker. These maps are incredibly good fun and have three different awards you can collect by completing certain tasks throughout the level.

Secondly is the Jokers challenge maps where he pits you against ever increasing hordes of cronies which you have to batter to a pulp using the games awesome free-flow combat scheme. I found these also very entertaining though there is one stage which I found incredibly difficult if not near impossible! This was maddening!

All in all I give this game a 10/10. Worth a buy and is safely on my shelf away from my trade in collection.