I have never played a better superhero game, have you?
I don't love combo fighting. The reason is I'm bad at it. It started back in the day on the SNES with Killer Instinct. I hated that game for that reason. This game makes it easy, never having have to push more than two buttons and a joy stick at the same time makes combo invalid people like me capable. I'm no where near the top of the leader boards because it still takes some skill to get it just right. I loved the story, I love the challenges, and some are extremely hard (to get the medals), I loved almost everything about this game.
I got very sick of the map setup. It's a large game with a very particular look. Everywhere seemed to look the same, until the end, so I was lost a lot. Having to pull up a map screen to make sure I was headed in the right direction got old, quickly. A mini-map would have made this game much more user friendly. Same thing with he detective mode, I loved it, but I felt I missed a lot of the details in the areas because I used it so much. I'm excited to play through it again.