Should be inspiring for all super hero games to come

User Rating: 8.5 | Batman: Arkham Asylum X360
Batman Arkham Asylum is a fantastic game overall. As someone who was never a big batman fan, and never read the comic books I had a great time playing the game. Arkham Asylum does a fantastic job of introducing you to the variety of villains and characters in Batman Arkham Asylum.

Story: The story of batman was pretty typical. Although you pretty much have a good idea of what will happen 20 minutes after starting the game, it still has an enjoyable story. There are many surprises throughout the game that batman lovers, and newcomers will both love.

Graphics: The graphics were not top notch, but are definately great for this type of game. The problem I had was with Batman's cape. It never came off as anything but plastic to me, and for the main character in the game, this seemed unacceptable. It is worth noting, other than batman's suit, the detail in his face is incredible. So is The Joker himself; In fact, joker must be the best looking thing I have ever seen in a video game, there are times where he literally looks like a human being.

Gameplay: The gameplay is very fun In AA. You gain key components throughout the game which allow you to access parts of the game you were previously unable too. I don't want to give any spoilers, but with this, the pace of the game never seemed to slow down. Fighting mechanics work great, and all tools are easily accessible.

Overall: Finally, the game in itself was incredible. What I did not understand, were why the hardest of enemies were "beasts" and not even boss battles. Boss battles were unchallenging to say the least. They did not take more than a few tries to master, and a few of them you don't even "fight". I hope AA inspires other super hero based games to become AAA titles.

Replay: There seems to be lots of replay value with the challenges and riddles in AA. This should keep any gamer occupied for a decent deal of time.