batman and joker perfect hero and villain. great game with great everything

User Rating: 8.5 | Batman: Arkham Asylum X360
wooow what a game...
i am looking at the credits and writing this review at the same time,
this games needs to win some kind of award for a lot of things it offers.
i am feeling great after finishing this.
absolutely amazing.
lets begin...
i would like to first say that batman arkham asylum has the best story ,great graphic and was

really one of those games that had potential.
it was one of those experiences that you cant have without the game itself,most of the features of

the game is 10 out of 10.
what i liked a lot about this game was the visual design and unlimited entertainment and variety it

so yes the visual design stands out.
the lightning is 10 out of 10,
textures where 10 out of 10.
i completed the game with 65% and i do not exactly know how many hours i played the game but

roughly maybe 10 to 11 hours,
this game contains a lot of boss fights some are a little bit hard i think,but altogether the boss

fights are Awesome,there are upgrades for you to get ,some upgrades are really needed in order to

finish the game,
i did not manage to get all the upgrades,i played on the normal mode,on that it was easy at some

point and a bit hard on other.
you have an Xray vision that allows you to look for clues and enemies.
again it would have been better to have at least most of the upgrades at the very last minute but

that did not happen,if it had major upgrades and minor it would have been better.
the story is really good and the dialogs are perfect,the voices match really well with the

characters and the lip syncs were just right.
you do have a map to tell you where you should go but sometimes i was completely lost.
the last batman game i played was batman begins from the movie which i played on ps2,
and you cant really compare that one to this,why?
that other one was based on the movie and it tried to make the game look real,but making the

game look real is not everything you MUST have gameplay,
but batman arkham asylum offered everything,Gameplay,Graphics and a Storyline that was

it was a pitty not to drive the bat mobile:(
it was really cool that after each level and through the story little by little batman's costume was

torn apart,started to get scratches,his face gets scratches with blood on it,it showed how batman

cares to save gotham and capture his enemy.
at one part of the story we played as batman in his mind,when he sees his parent killed in front of

his eyes when he was then we take control of this little bruce wain as he walks in sadness

and confused of this mad world.
the nightmares and the scarecrow character was superbly done.
one of the bad things i found out playing this game was that you really had to get used to the

buttons you know in order to dodge,and also you had to get to know some patterns that was

hard at first in order to beat some boss fights.
after you die from a boss fight you will see that boss say a clever quote to you,and the joker ones

really annoyed me.
at one point in the story mode there seemed to be a little crash,the game just froze i wanted to

restart my console,then something amazing happened,it was like the game started from the

beginning but this time you played as joker,and it was just like the first scene that batman has

capture the joker but this time joker capture batman and they were taking him just like that first was pretty interesting the joker shoots batman in the head and batman dies.then it said you

should have moved your head or something like that.
then we see the scarecrow character injecting batman,and created a madness inside batman's

head,that scene really played with my mind and still is...
i have to say that i never thought this game would be this long,the story mode is pretty long and it

will take maybe 10 to 15 hours or even more to complete so this is a good feature i think for

those who like games with long story mode.
the whole game takes place on an island i think.
i have to mention that the sound effects are really nice too.
i think this batman character is the exact one from the mortal kombat vs dc universe,i think the

joker is too.haha
apart from some bosses that can get really tricky there is not any other thing that i see wrong with

batman arkham asylum i really enjoyed playing this.
i think anyone would love this really don't need to love batman to like this.
thanks for reading my review folks.hope you enjoyed my review.
my rating for batman arkham asylum will be 8.5 out of 10.