A comic book game that doesn't suck,IT'S A MIRACLE!!! :):):):).

User Rating: 10 | Batman: Arkham Asylum X360
Batman:Arkham Asylum is an underdog game.You'd think it would suck due to the fact that it's a comic book game,and we all know the history of comic games are bad ones.But Batman:Arkham Asylum is game that's everything a comic game isn't(which is a good thing).The story is this,Batman brought Joker back to Arkham Asylum(again)but this time he escapes and turns Arkham into his own little playground by releasing every prisoner,now it's up to Batman and Oracle to stop the breakout.One reason Arkham Asylum is so great is it's awesome combat system,mainly because it's simple,x-attack,y-counter,a-dodge,b-stun it'll take down any criminal!Even though the story mode was 9-10 hours(be careful with Scarecrow,he's now actually scary!)there's alot more in the game like finding Riddler trophies and solving his riddles.Plus there's a challenge mode that'll have you keep coming back for a long time.But I must admit there are some flaws with game such as the Scarecrow battles(remember what I said) are very repetitive,and Batman has the stiffest walk I've ever seen.But not to worry,the game's compelling story,new form of sealth(did I talk about that) and the combat system is definately enough to overcome these minor issues.In conclusion,don't even think about renting this game first just go and buy it!