amazing gameplay outstanding graphics addictive gameplay

User Rating: 9.5 | Batman: Arkham Asylum PC
Batman Arkham Asylum is one game i thought i would never play i have never been a batman fan but this game makes me wish i was the gameplay is fantastic the thing about gameplay is the stealth i liked the most either hanging from a gargoyle then pow the thug is hanging down unconscious or sneaking behind a thug and choking him unconscious makes u want to do it again and again and the combos are easy to execute but further in the game it gets more difficult and the graphics makes it all worth while you can fell the darkness of the night which gives batman the upper hand against his enemies and everything else has been well done from buildings to enemies and environment the story on the other hand makes you dont leave your seat the story line is something unique it has been well done where it keeps dragging you more and more into the game and there is a rare chance of you getting bored while playing this game the story line and the gameplay keep you sitting well tight for the whole game if u haven't played this game you are missing out on something big