Its true that you feel that you are really Batman
the game is really fun and amazing and its very darkness and gothic
much better then the movie.
the story is great and the joker is insane like allways and his plan is crazy and insane i really recommend you to buy this game specialy if you are fan of batman.
the 3D is great and fun so thats way you should buy the new edition
there alot of thing and details that they need to fix.
you enemys they are clones because they all are the same guys in all the game they only are 5 guys and you find them every where.
and thats is big mistake, this is ps3 not ps1 thats in my opinion is big basic mistake.
i hope in part 2 they fix this mistake,and like allways the super hero never killed there enemy only scarecrow has been killed in this game i will not say how.