It really is an incredible game, it has that HQs atmosphere of Batman. This game remember that Batman Animated Series

User Rating: 10 | Batman: Arkham Asylum X360
Despite its long road and pop icon status, Batman, as well as other cartoon characters, has never been happier in the game. For every good game and did other awful time came that the Dark Knight did not give the guys in the game world as the star of a title main cutting edge. "Batman: Arkham Asylum" came determined to change that and hopefully get. The adventure has a surrounding setting and mechanics that let players really feel inside the skin of the tormented hero.
Rebellion in the Asylum "Batman: Arkham Asylum" begins with the end of yet another hero's hunt resulted in the capture of arch-rival the Joker. This time the task seemed too easy and the hero suspects that the Joker has some ace up its sleeve. How could it be, the villain's plan comes just under way and with the help of Harley Quinn, he can take control of Arkham sanitarium for the criminally insane highly dangerous. It's up to Batman then percolates through the huge complex - which includes six large buildings full of laboratories, dungeons and secret passages - and thwart the plans of criminals, complete with appearances by other renowned comic book villains like Bane, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow and the Crocodile . Although the plot is not the most brilliant, the characterization and setting can set a dramatic mood to the game. "Batman: Arkham Asylum" is dark and adult - which includes the sober use of violence, sensuality and even some words - and captivates the right to feel like Batman control in a crisis situation very close to that seen in the comics . Honor the essence of the character and their myths in ways never before seen in the game. It is worth remarking as soon as one key to this success is the excellent voice acting, which relies on the presence of some actors from the cartoon, as Kevin Conroy (Batman), Mark Hammil (Joker) and Arleen Sorkin (Harley Quinn). Hammil appears especially inspired, with a performance that moves away from its version of the juvenile series from Warner and reveals even more insanity and magnetism clown criminal, in a job as memorable as the Oscar-winning effort of Heath Ledger in "Batman - The Knight Dark. " If Ledger is the Joker in the final film, shows that Hammill is the ultimate in animated form. The graphics do not let the ball fall, with impressive designs of characters and scenarios, even with a certain artistic freedom that slightly alters the look of some pictures for everyone to look more muscular. The image of Batman, to name one, is extremely well cared for, showing injuries throughout the adventure and impressive, among other things, the realistic movement of the cover and its great visual texture of rubber. As the game is quite dark, some details may go unnoticed, but the lighting ensures a somber and chilling required for the success of the venture, among batarangs bats flying and spreading the floor. It's so cool that it's hard to be bothered with minor glitches, such as errors in dialogues of sync, some of the bugs in the AI ​​enemies or jaggies present in the version for Playstation 3