Best game for batman fans of the character and cartoon series

User Rating: 8.5 | Batman: Arkham Asylum PS3
This is MY review and others will have a different take on it. First off, this game looks great, it has great details, from batman torn cape and battle scars to the whole surroundings. It's powered by the unreal engine and TO ME, that's a awesome graphics engine.

The sounds are very good, to the sound of his bat o rang flying around and hitting the thugs to the voice acting, which is done by Mark hamil ( Luke skywalker) as the Joker from the cartoon series from the 90's and the same voice actor who did batman too (can't remember his name). If you enjoyed that series ( I know I did) , this will be a trip down memory lane.

The story line is good, but If you have a problem with doing 90% of your exploring and fighting indoors and it all takes place in one night ( no sunlight will be seen) than be warned that's this game.

I have a few issues with the game, that's why I gave it a 8.5.
First, off when you fight a big thug ( a titain) they have the same patterns and are taken down the same. The regular thugs, which you'll fight hundreds are alot alike too. Second, the last boss, which everyone I know who has played the game ( about 5 people) is dissappointing. I won't spoil it, but it's short and easy. Third, you don't fight some Super villains you run into ( the ones behind bars..... maybe in the next game). Finally, the game felt short, about 10 hours or so. I also tried the challenge rooms but they are TO ME, not fun and hard. To me once I beat the game, I was done...period.

It's a great game for Fans of the bat and the cartoon series, wish it was longer and had more villains to fight though.