Best comic book game ever
First off the combat is great, it is extremely simple and easy to use, but it never get's boring, and it look's awesome. You will unlock many gadget's and combos during your time in Arkham. The best thing about the combat is that it just never get's old and is really cool to look at.
The story in this game will last you about 15hrs, with a few other little things to do, you will be spending about 20hrs playing Arkham, but it's not about quantity, but quality, and this game definately delivers.
The Asylum has been recreated perfectly and look's amazing, walking down the halls you feel like this place could exist and it is just a really immersive experience. The graphics in this game are amazing, even now, 3 years after release, these graphics still hold up compared to recent releases!
During your time in Arkham you will encounter many 'Super-Villains'. Like Joker, Scarecrow, Bane, Killer-Croc, Harley Quin and more. But the boss battles are normally way too easy, and it feels like some super villains could have played a bigger part in the game but were left out for some reason.
Arkham Island is a big place, there are 5 different buildings, with the grounds aswell. Although you can explore and do what you like, you won't. There is nothing to do except the main story, and when the main story is over, you'll find yourself very bored.
As good a game this is, there are problems. The gameplay get's repetitive after a while. As all the missions are very similar, and the gameplay is exactly the same through-out. And like i said, you will get bored after completion.
But with all this said, Batman Arkham Asylum is a great game. It is the most unique and refreshing game i have played ever, it's immersive and has a great strory. It can get repetitive and boring, but you have to buy this game.
Batman Arkham Asylum: 9/10