Even if you don't love Batman (which I do), this game is a must-play. The graphics are mint, the game-play is fluid, the story is immersive (and was written specifically for the game itself), the ambient noise was eerie, and even the puzzles were well thought out. They even have the voices of the actors from the modern cartoons (sorry Adam West). With that said, a Batman fan will be happy to know that there are plenty of Batman's main rivals in this one (even some of his obscure villains have a role).
The best way to imagine this game would be to combine Metal Gear with Silent Hill (for atmosphere) and throw in some innovative components to spice it up. The upgrades you get help you to eliminate bad guys with that much more panache (I loved dangling them from gargoyles).
The only reason I did not give this a 10 out of 10 is because the game seemed to end a little too fast for me. Of course, this might be because I played it non-stop once I got it out of the wrapper.
I didn't play the demo for this game before buying it but I did follow it a bit during development. I must say I don't regret the purchases one bit, picked it up during the midnight sale last night. I was fairly impr... Read Full Review
Wow. That's all I could say when I saw the intro to this game. From story to graphics, I was pulled in immediately. You know the Joker has something up his sleeve as he's being carted to his cell, but you don't know how ... Read Full Review