Good?..nope..Great?..nah...Excellent? YES

User Rating: 9.5 | Batman: Arkham Asylum PC
I wanted to restrain myself from writing a review untill I complete the game,but after playing a lot (for my standards) and reaching 50% completion,I made up my mind.

First of all,Im not a huge Batman-fan,I've never read the comics,but liked all the movies,more or less.
"Batman:Arkham Asylum" is not related to any of the movies,the creators obviously taking inspiration from the origins: all the comic books about or related to The Dark Knight. Thus the makers show total respect to the true hardcore fans. I'll break the aspects in categories now:

*Story* -the story starts of well,with a cinematic introduction wich very much reminds me of the "Dead Space" intro. Then,things go out of hand. Really badly. Then Batmans fight to reach joker begins.

*Gameplay* - one of the best aspects of the game. It just feels right being The Dark Knight. The way he moves is fluent and realistic. Fighting the foes is very satysfiyng and the various moves never make a fight feel repetitive. But often you need to outsmart the bad-guys,with stealth tactics and a little help from the unforgettable and allways useful high-tech bat-gadgets.
There are a bunch of puzzles and colectible items to colect,so if you aren't in a rush,its quite possible it will take you well more then 10 hours to finish.

*Graphycs*- top knotch and nothing less. Its a marble. The game that comes in my mind to compare it is "Dead Space" (maybe because its as immersive). No need to say more. My Nvidia GeForce 8500GT gfx card runs it on slightly above average settings,and it looks great and runs around 30-35 frame-per-second.

*Music*- it's great,fitts perfectly.

"Batman:Arkham Asylum" should be checked out by anyone who apreciates excelent,un-repetitive games.

One final note: this is a passionate homage to Bob Kane's "Batman",with no relation or tie-in to Christopher Nolan's movies,so fans of "TDK" should not complain from the differences.