This game is the rare type, the one that once you play it, you cant leave it unless you finish it, definitely GOTY 2009.
Batman: Arkham Asylum is an action adventure beat em up game that has some stealth elements similar to Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction.
It was released on August 25, 2009 for PS3 and Xbox360 but September 15, 2009 for PC ,and Mac OS X version was released on November 3 2011
this game was given the award Game Of The Year (GOTY) in most gaming websites, it's rival was Dragon Age: Origins,
of course both got GOTY but in different websites.
the game is as always about Joker who was being taken back to the Asylum in Arkham Island but he escapes and takes control of the island with the assistance
of his girlfriend Quin Harley.
of course batman has to save the island, while doing that he will encounter many of the villains from the batman comic-books such as Scarecrow...
yeah he is a pain in the ass.
the player will have to solve riddles that was made by the famous riddler, the riddles are not literally riddles because you just have to collect trophies
and capture unusual things or collect interviews with patients from the asylum.
the problem is that most of those riddles need gadgets that are taken after a progress in the game to be available to take, but the game doesn't tell you that, and
you will stay lost trying to get them.
the gameplay style was awesome and special and everything, the combat is awesome because it makes you feel powerful, you will be addicted to the game after
30 minutes of playing.
after completing the game you wont be excited enough to replay it once again and you wont be able to complete the riddles because of being super non-excited.
The game was easy on easy mode, i died less than 8 times through the whole game on, it was hard to die on easy, you don't get spotted in the stealth parts
unless you are really close to enemies.
normal mode was normal, the further you play the game, the harder it gets, you could die like 35 times through the game.
hard mode was really challenging, you could die like infinity times through the game, and you could be easily spotted in the stealth parts of the game!!
the soundtracks are good not great, the voice acting is amazing specially joker's voice and the dialogues were great but as always the NPCs say the same
sentences over and over agian,
and guess what?? the protagonist can talk unlike most of the new games, other voices like walking and opening doors and batman's thing that makes
him fly were realistic.
The graphics.... they are amazing, the console versions have lower graphics than the PC version as you can see, and the PC version has better physic like
flying newspapers and the smoke.
but it has some texture glitches depending on your graphics card, but it can be fixed, the character design was the best thing about the game... at least to me.
/////Keep Playing?\\
yeeah, you will be addicted and you will finish it in less than a week, but it wont get you excited until you play 30 minutes because..
you know, its hard to get used to a game and the game is like 15 hours so 30 minutes are nothing, i only got used to FEAR i just dove into that amazing
game in 3 minutes.
the ending was good, great, between those two.. hmm let's see.. goat?? okay no more jokes,
the ending was between good and great which makes it's score 7.5, only the ending not the whole game.
/////The Specials\\
Special Combat Style-Strongly Addictive-Nice Idea With The Riddler Challenges-Things Happen In A Nice Way.
/////The Bads\\
riddles need gadgets that are taken after a progress in the game but the game doesn't tell you that and you will stay lost trying to get them.
Story: Superb
Gameplay: Superb
Controls: Superb
Sounds: Great
Graphics: Great
Ending: Good
Overall: Superb
/////Buy It?\\
yes of course, its a masterpeice until you finnish it, i dont know how but after finishing it you will lose interest in solving all the riddles and trophies,
i dont know why.
but it's an amazing game and you MUST buy it, go do that RIGHT NOW!!
We would give the game 9 out of 10, But of course this is our honest opinion,if you Played the game please tell us what you think.
Thank you for watching, hope we helped you make your decision about this game, please stay tuned for Arkham City review and more games.
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