Another amazing game added to the series.

User Rating: 10 | Batman: Arkham City - Armored Edition WIIU
This was just an amazing game, wow was this an amazing game, I loved Archam Asylum and this one was even better then that I thought it wasn't going to get this good but wow was I wrong, this game is amazing from beginning to end, the controls took some getting used to on the Wii U gamepad however once you get used to them they are absolutely perfect, the navigations not bad, but it can be a little bit confusing sometimes, the graphics look great, Just everything worked so well for this game The beat em up segments were perfect this isn't some mindless beatem up segment there is a lot of strategy that goes on them there are certain enemies that you must do certain moves against so if you like just mashing one button in beatem ups then you are out of luck, and they make it simple to do the moves that you need to do on these certain enemies cause they will tell you what to press when you are near them it's simple and the beatem up segments are perfect, it's not complex but like I said before it's not some simple button masher either.

The Stealth is yet again perfect, you can now also dangle from the gargoyle statues, which is just a nice touch and now if you do get seen by anyone you can throw smoke and get out of there, it's just perfect like the other game detective mode makes it very easy to get through these areas to spot enemies and you can sneak up behind them and take them out quietly without being seen just like Archam Asylum, There isn't a whole lot of new things when it comes to stealth but that's fine with me it's perfect the way it is.

The Story is outstanding on this one, Joker has become sick from the Titan formula he has taken in Archam Asylum and is dying he ends up capturing batman and injecting batman with the virus too and threatens to kill a bunch of people with the virus also so Batman must find a cure, and they keep talking about something called Protocol 10 throughout the game, but I will talk about that more when I get to it. So Batman goes after Mr. Freeze in the hope that he can make a cure. Mister Freeze ends up being captured by penguin and you must find his suit and save him from Penguin, The Penguin boss battle is absolutely outstanding first you face a big guy before penguin and you must use your explosive gel to stop him and it's just a really good boss battle, then after you defeat him you must face Penguin and it's really not a boss battle but that's fine I just enjoyed beating the crap out of him, After that Freeze says that he will make a cure for Batman but you have to get blood from Raj A Gul in this segment you will learn to glide and will have to defeat Raj A Gul, another great boss battle after that Batman will take his blood and go back to Freeze after that Freeze makes the cure but says he will let batman have it if first he takes out Joker to get his wife back from him, Batman needs the cure right away though and try's to take it from him Freeze destroys one of the two vials that he made and Batman must fight him in a Boss battle to get the other, Another amazing boss battle this one is all about stealth you must take Freeze down at the right moments to beat him and he will always change his tactics which might make this the best boss battle in the game. After you beat Freeze Harley Quinn will have taken the other antidote to joker and you must go get it back from Joker at some point Protocol 10 will commence and this make a bunch of helicopters go around Archam killing all the criminals around them, you must now stop protocol 10 also and stop Joker after you do stop Protocol 10 Raj A Gul is the true one behind it and he ends up killing himself after that you go after Joker and Joker has used Clay face to cover himself up as healthy because he is truly rapidly dying, you must defeat Clay face and yet again another great boss battle after you defeat clay face Batman is contradicting if he should save Joker with the antidote or not he has already healed himself, and once he makes his decision joker stabs him making Batman drop and break the antidote, and you guessed it Joker Dies, Batman even says that after all he had done he would of saved him, this is truly touching Batman is a true hero, and that's about it, A perfect ending to a perfect game. It's truly too bad that Joker died though.

There are also certain missions you must play as Cat Women and I know what you're thinking oh that probably sucks but no she actually is really fun to play as she is much faster than Batman and she can climb up on the ceiling too, there aren't much missions to play as her but there are still some great parts with her in it.

Overall this game is so good, really good, there wasn't any point in this game where I didn't enjoy playing it, the voice acting is outstanding as usual and the story was perfect beginning to end, this is just another amazing Batman game by Rocksteady simply amazing. If you like Batman this is a must have game.