The Good vs Bad when it comes down to Batman: Arkham City.
For starters, I'd like to mention that I'm a type of person who likes surprises in the games I play, as well as a dark and twisted story-line from time to time. Arkham City provides both of those things better than any other game I have played in quite some time, and those 2 features just so happen to be my personal favorite things about the game. There are moments that some players could obviously expect, but for the majority of this game I've found my expectations to be wrong and my jaw hanging in awe. I was surprised by many of the things that occurred within the game.
Another great thing about this game is the fact that the combat may be the same at its roots, but the way you use the combat provided is always changing. This can especially be said for the amazing boss-fights this game has to offer. None of the bosses in the game are defeated the same way. All have different strategies that must be used and some have more than one strategy that HAS to be used in order to defeat them. The same goes with normal enemies (thugs/minions).
The graphics for all games are beginning to get a tad bit boring to talk about, so I will make this short and sweet. The graphics are great. No screen tearing, no frame-rate problems. Same thing with the sounds for the game; well done, voice acting is great, yadda yadda.
The games open world works out well for Batman, and Arkham City is quite a decent size. It's not big enough to lose yourself in, but not small enough to feel as if there could be more. Within this city is a new feature to the game which gives it a somewhat RPG feel, side-quests. I haven't done all of them yet, but from what I have done the game seems to have gained a bit more replay value, and villains that weren't in the main story are being introduced. Who they are I will not say because of spoilers, but in order to get the full feel of the game, you will have to do the side-quests.
Doing them won't be that hard either, since like the previous game, once you have finished the main story, you will be able to go back and collect/do everything you have missed on the same play-through. You will also unlock New Game Plus mode, which allows you to start off a new game with all of the stats you've had before. Though this time around, enemies will be better equipped from the start, you won't have 'counter' notifications, and though you could be playing on Easy or Normal Mode, it will feel a lot more difficult.
I haven't noticed any serious problems with this game at all from my experience and the problems that I did have, I ended up getting over quickly.
This gives the game a 10/10 from me! Trust me on this one, before finishing this review I had to sit and think for a good half hour or so about a single bad thing this game had, and I couldn't. With it's amazing story, addicting gameplay, and high replay value, this game is definitely worth the buy whether you've played Arkham Asylum or not.
Anyways,thanks for reading this review. If you liked what you saw, be sure to follow me on either my Youtube Page (TrueFreakinGamers) or Twitter (thatSTERLINkid) and share your thoughts on whether you agree or disagree!