Batman: Arkham City is the sequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum and succeeds in doing so.

User Rating: 10 | Batman: Arkham City X360
Batman: Arkham City is the sequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum and doesn't disappoint. Batman: Arkham City takes place about a couple of years past the events of Arkham Asylum and Arkham has moved. The mega-jail is right in the middle of Gotham. And all of the villians are either teaming up against you or just going against themselves. I will not spoil anything else for you cause I tend to do that sometimes so I'll just cut to the chase. Batman: Arkham City is a serious contender for Game of the Year. If you though Arkham Asylum was great you have to get this. Although this game doesn't have a multiplayer mode I don't think it needs one. After you beat the game there will be a bunch of side missions to do and they aren't repetitive like other games. There are also so many more riddler trophies than the first that its basically impossible to do them by yourself. Challenge maps are also back and better than ever. If you want the full Batman experience you have got to play as Catwoman and Robin also. Although the end of the story didn't leave a place for a sequel, with all of the high scores and money Rocksteady has made, I'm sure there will be another one. Overall Batman: Arkham City never disappoints and is a must have for anyone who loved Arkham Asylum as much as I did.