If you haven't played AA, go back and be amazed. Just rent this one. I beat 95% (100% main story) in around 16 hours. I beat the main story in 8. The main story was gripping and the game graphically looked awesome. But those 8 hours after the main story was just tedious. Though I expected much more from AC, I still consider it a must play. Yes at times the game felt like it was rushed. And yes it was missing that scary/creepy vibe that AA gave off so perfectly. AA scared me at times, which was awesome. I found myself scared to round corners or hesitant before entering a new area. I never felt that way once playing AC. But don't let any of this keep you from playing a great game. I say rent it only because its short. Definitely the best comic related game to date (other than AA).
Pros: Smooth fun battle system Beautiful and detailed environment Sandbox style layout Gripping story line Amazing voice acting and character dialog Great controls gives that "I really feel like i'm batman" feeling Good story
Cons: The atmosphere from the AA isn't there. Characters felt rushed. Like all had to play a part but didn't get the time to evolve. You fight, then on to the next. (For the most part) Puzzle solving too easy Boss fights too easy
Arkham Asylum ruled. If you disagree, I suggest you stop reading right now. It was the game for gamers, not weekend warriors or FPS fanboys. It managed to take a ubiquitous piece of modern culture (Batman) and complet... Read Full Review
Where do i Start with this Masterpiece ?? * STORY -- 95/100 -- Without spoiling much Batman finds himself in Arkham City, the city is in the middle of chaos and various gang leaders controls the city such as Two-Face... Read Full Review