Where do we get these wonderful toys?
This time around the space in which you go up against Gotham's worst is larger, more complex and beautifully decayed. The detail in the gothic buildings, collapsed streets and murky sewers is some of the best ive seen. You will go about this area with a sense that there is something pertinent lurking around each corner, and there usually is.
This time around the elaborate combat system has been beefed up a little, its tougher to get the perfect combo routines going but this only makes it all the more satisfying when you do string an epic together (played this on hard by the way). The movement throughout the City gliding on the cape, diving when needed and grasping with the grappel is so intuative and easy to pick up and i have to say sitting atop a gargoyle 40ft up waiting on a Joker faced con to turn his back has never been so good!
Being a fan of this genre of game i always look forward the mix of bad guys and opponents. They are all here, you name him/her they're here. The AI of these criminals dotted about the expanse jail is well balanced, sometimes they are super tough requiring patience big style...others are just dumb. There are many ways to skin a cat, as we know, that too can extend to the various ways of taking these guys out. Rush in gung ho, settle back and bide your time, lay traps and pounce....these all add an extra dimension. These dust ups do throw up a bug bear for me. There are bundles of rewards and achievement attached to this title. I love that, makes the whole experience richer and adds value...these notifications however appear in the middle of the screen. These practically cover the screen and can lead to some pretty frustrating deaths during mass brawls. A simple gold bat-symbol in the top left would do next time fellas.
Complete the lengthy and rich story mode and you are rewarded with many things, i usually leave a game after ive completed the story...this time around however the experience and mood of this will keep me going back for extras and extras and extras. At a time when there a so many other top games competing for my coin, for me to want to play this over and keep exploring is a huge indication of the quality of Batman: Arkham city.