Arkham City is a crazy place with crazy people and it's crazy good fun.
Presentation: One of the greatest sequels I've ever played. Arkham City is a part of Gotham walled off and dedicated for the criminally insane. Batman is put in there with the crazies and left for dead.
Gameplay: Plays like Arkham Asylum but smoother and with more button combos to use gadgets during a fight. More gadgets to use and more fun to be had.
Graphics: One of the best looking games I've seen all year.
Sound: The voice acting is terrific, you barely notice it's someone else doing Harley's voice. Mark Hamill still sounds awesome, but it's his final time being Joker. Enjoy it all while you can.
Lasting Appeal: There's a lot of collectibles, trophies, challenge rooms and DLC.