Solid and additctive follow up to the original smash hit.
Well first off AC is bigger, bolder and a technically more astute game. In its own right it is a wonderful beat em up with cleverly designed environments, great cut scenes and artistic graphics. BUT was it a better experience than AA, did it leave me in awe as the first did and was it a marked improvement? Unfortunately not. Whilst substantially bigger many of the buildings you simply can't enter hence the space between the actual gaming environments felt sterile. Graphics had only marginally improved over AA which is no bad thing as the first was great to look at. The game play mechanics though are effectively the same so whilst perfectly adequate in their own right they weren't the leap forward I was expecting from a sequel. And GC is right...the bosses....well whilst intimidating weren't the hardest to defeat by any stretch of the imagination.
The itching problems I had were two fold. Firstly the game didn't feel as tight as the first did namely the story which at times was a little all over the place. Secondly, I just gave up on the riddler trophies which seemed to be scattered about here, there and everywhere whereas in AA they seemed to mesh in with the environments perfectly.
Nonetheless these are minor gripes to what is still a superb follow up. Throw in the numerous side missions, game plus mode, catwoman scenes and various challenges and you have a very very strong package worthy of GOTY consideration. Miss it at your peril as they say.