The final game of the epic series is probably right up there with one of the worst ports in the history of gaming, simply atrocious. WB and Rocksteady makes you think that the game is didrectly from Rocksteady, but little after starting the game, it was revealed that the game was actually ported and handled on PC by an external studio called 'Iron Galaxy Studios'. If that doesn't piss you off, well get this, that studios is made up of 12 people...that's right...12...more than 11...less than 13! They gave this monumental task of making the game on PC to 12 amatuer developers with a horrible track record.
I really don't know what to say. This is the last game I am gonna buy from WB and Rocksteady broke my trust. Not long ago I used to compare them with the greatest developers out there.
Ladies and Gentleman, this is how Batman died...