My review is short and sweet!
Lets start out with...
Dear Gamespot,
Your reviews as of late have sucked huge donkey balls. nearly 50% of your reviews of games released within the subsequent 2 or 3 years have either given too much praise to games not worthy, or too little praise of game far more worthy. It's all a matter of opinion, but why is it that your are all so partial to certain genres and giving them high praise, and then if you don't like the genre of a game you beat the shit out of it in your reviews. Batman Arkham Origins is fine it deserves at the highest an 8.0 flat and at the lowest a 7.5. Resident Evil 6 was fine and deserves at the highest a 7.5 and at the lowest a 6.5, not a joke review score of 4.0... Get bent! Injustice: Gods Among Us deserves at the highest a 9.0 and at the lowest an 8.0, not yet another joke of a review score of 7.5. Are you kidding me!?! Get with the program or get offline!
Arkham Origins plays the role for Batman that God Of War Ascension played for God Of War. Its just a prequel. Every bit of awesomeness previously encountered in the past titles can be found here. There is no problem here. With the exception of predictability. But Really Now!!!!! What do you expect? We know who these people are. Just play the game, shut up and enjoy it!!! Honestly! It is so funny that people expect something new from a system that isn't broken. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! And another thing why is it that everyone expects something new from a PREQUEL!!!
I award this game a flat 8.0 because it's AWESOME!!!!!!!