The best Batman game ever, but that doesn't seem to matter to the critics.

User Rating: 7.1 | Batman: Dark Tomorrow GC
Let's face it, Batman has had a pretty rough track record with video games. Take my word for it, being a bat-fan I have collected anything with his name on it as I see it and that includes video games. But this game is the best the caped crusader has ever seen. The game puts you in a very immersive world, this is the only time I've ever truly felt like I was defending Gotham in one of Batman's games. You will get a chance to patrol the streets and the roof tops (something any bat-fan wants to do). The story is another thing that is taken straight from the comics, this is a game with truly popcorn worthy cinematics thanks to the help of great animators, writers, and voice cast. As Batman you will need to take out some of the best from Batman's rouges gallery and the boss fights are truly enjoyable because Batman's mortality becomes a bit of an issue and you really feal like these super villains pose a threat. You also have a full array of bat-gadgets wich only add to making you feel like Batman. On the downside AI is pretty pathetic making normal battles child's play. The game's layout is made for stealth play like Metal Gear Solid but enemies are so easy to take out that you will forget to use stealth a few levels into the game and just run through the levels. And because you start to run through the levels fast you may miss a crucial room in one of the corridors and looking for that one room can take a while of back tracking. The camera and controls could also have used a bit more tweaking and alot of your initial learning will be learning to compensate for these short comings. Graphics also feel a little under done for the time with very beautiful character models in very simplistic enviroments, but it is only a minor problem because the the game is more important than the graphics. The sound effects and music are nothing less than you would want from the 90s cartoon, with a perfect orchestra that we've expected since Tim Burton's film. Despite it's problems you will have serious fun once you have learned to play because of the great story and action packed boss battles.