User Rating: 1.4 | Batman: Dark Tomorrow XBOX
It looks like Superman 64 has a partner in crime-fighting with Batman: Dark Tomorrow. This game (if you want to label it as such) is so horrible, you can't help but wonder how it ever got past the testing phase. After trying to get through the first level, you will either run out and trade this game in, throw it out a high story window, or just use it as an expensive beer coaster. The game begins with an ugly cutscene. Then, you use your bat-cable to swing from rooftop to rooftop. Sounds good huh......think again! The camera angles, along with the controls, are so horrendous that you end up falling many times.(By the way, you fall down onto a street with a few yellow and white lights with no cars.) In one instance the only way to get to a rooftop is if you luckily happen to clip your way through. WOW! I think this is the first time I was actually relieved to see a bug in a game so I can finally advance. Anyway.... After that, you get to ONLY punch and kick your way through cloned enemy thugs. That's right kiddies, all you do is punch and kick, because Batman knows NO COMBOS!! The graphics are dull and very ugly at times, especially nightvision. There are times when civilians run away from thugs and clip right through you. Ugh, it's so horrible! Batman's animation is so cramped and stiff, and the cloned thugs look like cardboard cut-outs. The poor excuse for ambient music is looped and even skips at times. This game does not do the X-Box any justice. Hopefully my point is well taken...DON'T BUY, RENT, OR EVEN CONSIDER PLAYING THIS GAME! IT SUCKS, IT SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN RELEASED! SHAME ON KEMCO FOR CASHING IN ON THE BATMAN LICENSE BY PUTTING OUT THIS HORRIFIC TITLE!