Who programed the controls in this game? The Riddler?
From the get go, the player will probably notice similarites to Acclaim's most famous port: Mortal Kombat, complete with digitized graphics, tricky special moves. However, Batman Forever isn't a fighting game, but a streets of rage/final fight style beat-em-up, through which the player, controling eitehr Batman or Robin, must fight their way through to the end of the stage.
While this alone would have probably garnared the game a rating of at least 4 or 5, except for one small problem: THE CONTROLS ARE MUTALATED!!!!!! In most games the controls are failry simple: Directional Pad/Joystick controls the characters movements, you have a jump button, punch button, kick button and a fire button for your weapons. But in Batman Forever the controls are more like the sequence of buttons you press to preform a fatality or special move in a fighting game. For example to preform a simple move like going down a hole, the R button has to be tapped sliglty before you press down, and to use your weapons you have to press a certain sequence of buttons in a certain order.
Had the controls not been so criptic, the game might actually have faired better in terms of it's game play. Over all Batman Forever will only appeal to fans of the Batman series and collectors who want a complete SNES library.