Going into this episode, My main concern was how is this episode gonna shape the finale. We all knew from teaser art it was gonna be a Batman/Joker showdown but since the Joker wasn't the Joker, We had to have that breaking point. So this episode was really about what is gonna push John Doe over the edge.
For starters, I think that Telltale did a pretty decent job wrapping up every plotline of the season into a neat bow for the finale. Almost everything is addressed and it ends in a way that is not only satisfying but genuinely leaves you interested in the finale. We are in an all-out war by the end of this episode and I expect the finale to be a blockbuster action flick because of it. And as I said in the title, It's all about clearing stuff up and out for the finale and they did a great job doing that.
Sadly because of the route that was taken for the finale, We are given very little action and pretty much no puzzles to solve. It's a very linear story but moral choices to do a very heavy toll on this one so pick carefully. I loved watching the transformation of John to the Joker but I wished it was explored a bit more as it just kind of happens near the end of the episode and not progressively through it. Also, I wish that characters like Catwoman didn't just up and disappear throughout the episode because it felt like we were leaving their story untold and unfinished.
Overall: 7/10
Telltale did a great job wrapping things up and putting together a clear cut version for the next episode of the season. I just wish they took the time to explore a little bit more as I felt there was still a bit left unsaid.
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