Maybe the only good Batman game ever made.
From the opening cut-scene of the Batmobile storming onto the screen you get the feeling right away that your going to get more of a reward for succeeding in this game then a simple congratulations. Right away you start with Batmans best weapons. His batarangs, his dart gun, some really devastating shurikens and his best weapon his own two fists.
This dark themed game takes platform jumping to the next level by allowing Batman to jump off walls letting you take alternate routes through the game and giving you some added strategy in boss fights. As the game progresses the enemies change and stay the same in innovative ways and the action ramps up as the Joker taunts you on through chemical plants, sewers, tech labs and the infamous clock tower.
In the end what really made this game for me and why I warrant it a high score is unlike many games for NES that had great gameplay this one also has a great ending. I won't tell you what it is but I beat this game many times just to watch it. It puts the Dark in the Dark Night.