If you can handle the game's difficulty and look past the graphics, it certainly is worth a play.
This apparently, was one of the first Batman games to ever hit the NES (and most definitely, the first one I ever played). I ended up getting a mixed feeling about it because although it has some good points, it has some bad ones as well. Nevertheless, if you have the necessary patience, it does provide a playable enough experience.
The gameplay here is similar in core to that of a side-scrolling platformer. You can however, perform wall-to-wall jumps in this one. There are three weapons in addition to the default punches that you'll most likely end up using. There are five levels / stages with five bosses excluding The Joker who appears at the end. And be prepared to face the insane difficulty level of the game, especially in some of the boss fights. Paying without a save system can become a nightmare.
The graphics are fairly decent although all the objects (Batman included) appear very small in size; a decision which may have been taken in order to fill up more characters and objects on the screen at once. The sound is nothing much to speak of except that the background tune running at the background of the boss fights is catchy to say the least.
On the whole, it was a fair enough kickstart for Batman in video gaming although considering the variety of gadgets and villains at their disposal, it should have been more than this. The campaign is fairly short considering that it's over in about 30 - 45 minutes or so if played at a stretch and has very little replay value. The only reason it may take longer than this is the by default difficulty level of tha game. If you're comfortable with that, it should definitely be worth playing at least once for sure.