Best Batman game ever made.

User Rating: 8 | Batman NES
Ah the classic NES Batman. What a fun experience. It's tough but you get infinite continues and get to start at the block you died at so it's not frustrating. The controls are solid and you even get a super jump which if memory serves is only in this Batman game. The plot is a little different then the movie and they added some new boss characters for you to fight that aren't in the 89 film, but I like that cuz it would be boring if you only fought the Joker like the film. I spent many an hour playing this classic as a kid. The cool thing about this one is the difficulty stays pretty much the same for the entire game, once you've mastered how to get past all the enemies they never get any harder or faster or anything. The enemies minus one or two are pretty much the same for every level too so you don't really have to worry about coming up on enemies you can't pass or have to put in mega time to figure out how to take out efficiently. Another plus for this game is the graphics. They look awesome and the creators really took advantage of the nes' hardware. Batman especially looks great the only thing they could have possibly done that would have made him look cooler would have been to have the portion of his face that isn't covered by the mask skin color instead of blue. And I like the blues they picked out for his sprite, gives him an oldschool classic feel as I'm sure black would have been too hard to work with for his sprite since a lot of areas in the game are dark and most of it takes place at nighttime. The music is also really good and the first and 5th level track is astounding and sounds really good. Batman is really a badass in this game too and takes a lot of hits until he dies. You also start w/ 3 side weapons besides batman's melee punch attack. They all use the same ammo which you pick up when you kill enemies and are all really good and useful. they really help balance the difficulty out if you are having trouble. The first is a batarang which goes in a circle out in front of you and returns to your hand. It's good for enemies like on a platform close to yours but over a hole. The second and my personal fav. and most useful for me is the portable missile handgun. It shoots out missiles in a horizontal line across the screen and is really good for taking out enemies that you haven't gotten close enough to to grab their attention but are on the screen. The third is a disc you throw out in front of you that splits off into 3 discs that go horizontally across the screen as well, I haven't really found a good use for this weapon but it is very strong if you can get enemies in it's range and have lots of ammo. All in all this is a very awesome game and is the best batman game to date because it really gets what batman is supposed to be, a resourceful intelligent bad mofo who you don't want to mess with. This game is well worth a go on the nes if your looking for something to play and one of my personal favs.