The ONLY Batman game worth mentioning (PEROID)!!!
The Plot is not explained but if you watched the 1989 film the game is based on then you already know whats going on. But either way it should be very self explanetory. Beat up bad guys move to the next level till you reach the next level and then wash, rinse and repeat. Yeah very bland i know but the gamepley more than make up for it! Tust me-
At the time when this game came out it was an ordinary side scrolling theme but with certain elements that had its charm and was inspired by 2 games in paticular. For one Batman can wall jump like ryu from Ninja gaiden and the 2 games came out at the same exact year. I might be going out on a limb here but it had the side scorrling difficult setting from Mega Man. The reason i say that is becuse Mega Man's levels were just like batman down to the complexed plat forms filled with enemys and the projctile weapons you use. Also it had features that wasnt really featured often and was pretty orginal for its the time along with Mega Man and Ninja Gaiden.
Like for one you have boss battles..yeah i know thats nothing new now-a-days but you gotta think about it when this was released, the NES jus came out maybe a few years old and this type of boss battle feature was very new and not used that ofeten back then. (The only games like that besides Batman was Ninja Gaiden, Super Mario Bro. ,Zelda and a few and between). Now back o the boss battles..they are ohh how should i say it?..hard as SH*T! i mean the first boss with the jets was easy but after him this game doesnt F**K around. For examble like mega man thier patterns never change no matter how many times you faced them and also unlike Mega Man the boss's have no life bar yeah you pretty much have to guess and pray to god that they die soon. This game only have 1 negitive gripe i just cant stand...its way tooo SHORT!! its only 6 levels long and for the time it wasnt a big deal since the NES can only fit soo much but look at THE LEGEND OF ZELDA that game was reall really long and took hours to play (minus the secrets and easter eggs) but in batman its maybe a 2 1/2 hour game (pending how good you are). The last thing to this game is one of the few 100 movie lincesed games that has been rated from 8 to a 9 and some a perfect 10 score while most movie based games now really sucked to the point where most reviewrs dont even bother to rate it. (pending on what movie its based off of then maybe it may be considered) and the only batman game that has a higher rating than a 6. its true.
The graphics for its time was average and not eye popping but i cant really judge the graphics for this game since its not much to look at. It also its a NES game so end of story.