Most difficult, if not the best game based off a movie.
User Rating: 8.2 | Batman NES
We all remember the classic "Batman" movie from the late 80's. Jack Nicholson as the Joker was arguably his best performance, which is saying alot considering his movie lineup. The movie was wonderfully dark and mysterious. The game is just as dark, if not as mysterious. There is not much of a storyline, but somewhat follows the events of the movie. As Batman you are given a jump move, a punch movie, and the ability to use some of Batman's "wonderful toys". Like most NES games, it is fairly simplistic, but the timing of using these abilities is what makes this game so engaging. The levels are well thought out, with different jumping puzzles, and knowing what ability to use at a certain time. Usually when you think of comic book heroes, you think of kids, but this game tortured me when i was little, and was never able to beat it. Now that i have played it as an adult, it is still challenging but was able to beat it. It is probably one of the most challenging games i have ever played. So if a good challenge is a must for a game, pick this title up. The game has such a dark and drab look to it. I would have liked to seen this darknes in 3D, but looks just like a 2D Batman game should. I prefer this adaptation of Batman compared to some of the cartoony Batmans here recently. There is some variety in the look of the levels, but like alot of NES, the feel of the levels never seem to change. The music unfortunately isn't very inspiring, but neither was the music in any of the films. The music fortunately isn't of the annoying sort, so this uninspiring feel doesn't take too much away from the game. The sound effects are very drab, and dont add anything to the game, but like the music doesn't take anything away from the game either. The game itself, is totally linear, and nothing else to do but beat the game. The game itself is so challenging, that i am definitely going to play through again though just to see if i can pull off the same miracles i did my first time through to beat it. Do yourself a favor and see if you can conquer this very challenging game.