" 'Holy Variation' Batman! "
User Rating: 4 | Batman: Vengeance GBA
Batman Vengeance sees the Caped Crusader taking on some of his usual adversaries; Joker, Mr Freeze, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. This game has a variety of game-types thrown in but none of them are particularly fun. Most are side-scrolling platforming levels played as Batman with basic punch combat in addition to limited use of Batarangs, smoke bombs and health restoration items. Driving sections see the Batmobile racing against time, trying to dodge traffic and oil spills/dirt (quite hard to tell what it is). The trouble is, you cannot see very far ahead so it is hard to dodge these obstacles and quite often you end up reacting to anything you see, and end up dodging ramps too; which are a useful aid. Flying sections feature the Batplane dodging flying enemies and bullets fired from gun turrets on top of buildings. Some levels feature Robin solving basic box puzzles and dodging projectiles in an isometric viewed levels. The graphics are inconsistent throughout; the platforming sections are usually decent but some objects seem a bit poor. Flying sections are good, Driving sections very primitive, and the Robin sections very bland. Overall, Batman Vengeance is decent enough to pass a bit of time; it's varied enough, but is short, and doesn't excel in anything.